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Splošni pogoji veljajo od 31. marca 2024 in veljajo do nadaljnjega.
Splošni pogoji
Obiskovalci spletne strani (v nadaljevanju uporabniki) soglašajo s spodaj navedenimi pogoji oziroma členi. Spletna trgovina Mersolei (v nadaljevanju ponudnik) in njen lastnik, Tilen Piskule s.p., si pridržujeta pravico do spreminjanja navedenih členov brez predhodnega obvestila uporabnika. Morebitne spremembe pogojev poslovanja bodo vedno dosegljive na naši spletni strani, pri čemer uporabnike o tem ne bomo posebej obveščali. Vse spremembe splošnih pogojev bodo objavljene samo na naši spletni strani in ne preko drugih komunikacijskih kanalov.
Če pride do spremembe določenih členov Splošnih pogojev poslovanja, bo sprememba označena z datumom izvedbe spremembe na vrhu Splošnih pogojev, skupaj z oznako člena, ki je bil spremenjen. Redno preverjajte pogoje poslovanja, saj si prizadevamo za njihovo posodabljanje, pri čemer se datum zadnje spremembe ustrezno posodobi. Z nadaljnjo uporabo naših storitev se šteje, da ste seznanjeni s spremembami in se z njimi strinjate.
Splošni pogoji poslovanja v spletni trgovini so oblikovani v skladu naslednjimi zakoni, zakoniki:
- Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot-1)
- Obligacijski zakonik (OZ)
- Zakon o elektronskem poslovanju na trgu (ZEPT)
- Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-2)
1. Podatki podjetja
Mersolei, Tilen Piskule s.p.
Keršova ulica 3, Vojnik, 3212 Vojnik
Davčna številka: 38879387
Matična: 9553371000
DDV: Podjetje ni zavezanec za DDV
2. Kontakt
3. Trgovec se zavezuje, da bodo uporabniku vselej na voljo:
- Podatki o identiteti trgovca,
- Kontaktni podatki, ki uporabniku omogočajo hitro in učinkovito komunikacijo s trgovcem (naslov elektronske pošte, telefon ipd.),
- Informacije o bistvenih značilnostih izdelkov oz. storitev iz ponudbe spletne trgovine, vključno s poprodajnimi storitvami in garancijami,
- Informacije o dostopnosti izdelkov oz. storitev iz ponudbe spletne trgovine,
- Način in pogoji dostave izdelkov oz. izvršitve storitev, predvsem kraj in rok dostave,
- Informacije o načinu plačila,
- Podatki o časovni veljavnosti ponudbe iz spletne trgovine,
- Informacije o roku, v katerem je še možno odstopiti od pogodbe in pogojih za odstop,
- Informacije o možnosti vračila izdelkov in o tem, če in koliko takšno vračilo stane uporabnika,
- Informacije o postopku s pritožbo uporabnika ter podatki o kontaktni osebi Trgovca za stike z uporabniki.
4. Predstavitev izdelkov in natančnost podatkov
Slike izdelkov v spletni trgovini ali kjerkoli na spletni strani so simbolične in ne zagotavljajo njihovih lastnosti. Pridržujemo si pravico do manjših barvnih odstopanj med izdelki na slikah in dejanskimi izdelki. Ponudnik si prav tako pridržuje pravico do manjših odstopanj med opisi, in dejanskimi lastnostmi izdelkov. Ponudnik ni vezan na opis izdelka ali objavljeno ceno izdelka, če je opis ali cena posledica napake pri vnosu ali če je do napačnega opisa ali cene prišlo brez volje ponudnika.
5. Postopek nakupa
5.1 Postopek naročila:
Izdelke je mogoče naročiti preko spletne trgovine s klikom na izdelek, vnosom želene količine in zahtevanih informacij (pri personaliziranih izdelkih), izborom načina plačila in potrditvijo nakupa.
5.2 Nakup:
Naročilo ali nakup lahko poteka v različnih jezikih, za jezik se uporabnik odloči sam ob obisku strani in postopku nakupa. Izbran prevod je zavezujoč za tako kupca kot prodajalca. Naročanje je možno preko spletne trgovine 24 ur na dan, vse dni v letu. Po oddaji naročila bo kupec prejel potrditveno elektronsko sporočilo, ki bo vsebovalo podrobnosti o izbranih izdelkih in njihovih količinah. Sprejeta naročila se štejejo kot nepreklicna in bodo izvedena. V primeru želje po preklicu naročila je potrebno prodajalca obvestiti najkasneje v 6 urah po oddaji naročila preko elektronske pošte na naslov Ponudnik bo želji, če paket še ni bil dokončno obdelan in odposlan, ugodil.
Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico do preklica naročila v primeru, da naročenih izdelkov ni na zalogi ali pa je prišlo do tehničnih ali drugih napak pri vnosu zalog. Prav tako si lahko prodajalec pridržuje pravico do delnega ali popolnega preklica naročila v primeru očitnih napak v ceniku ali neupoštevanja splošnih pogojev.
Nakup personaliziranih izdelkov je dokončen, ni vračil ali zamenjav, lahko pride do manjših odstopanj med predogledom slike v živo na spletni strani in dejanskim izdelkom.
5.3 Izdelki po meri:
Izdelki po meri so na voljo na spletni strani le za določene izdelke. Pri naročilu teh izdelkov je potrebno dodati ustrezne podatke, ki so potrebne za izvedbo naročila. V primeru nepopolnih ali neustreznih podatkov si pridržujemo pravico prekiniti naročilo in vrniti denar. Ob nakupu izdelkov po meri kupec ni upravičen do odstopa od pogodbe, kot je določeno v 2. točki 135. člena ZVPot-1.
5.4 Pogodba o nakupu:
Pogodba o nakupu se sklene v trenutku, ko kupec potrdi naročilo in prejme potrditveno elektronsko sporočilo.
6. Cene izdelkov
Cene izdelkov so izražene v EUR, kar je primarna valuta spletne trgovine, in ne vsebujejo DDV (nismo zavezanec). Vse cene, vključno z morebitnimi popusti, veljajo v trenutku oddaje naročila. Ponudnik si pridržuje pravico do spremembe cen brez predhodnega obvestila.
Stroški pošiljanja niso vključeni v ceno izdelka in se obračunajo na blagajni ob zaključku naročila, razen v primeru raznih popustov, ki vključujejo zastonj dostavo.
7. Način plačila
Račun prejmete skupaj s paketom.
Ponujamo plačilo po povzetju, pri čemer so izvzeti izdelki naročeni po meri. Plačilo po povzetju je na vojlo samo za Slovenijo, Hrvaško in Italijo.
Ponudnik omogoča plačilo preko PayPal računa.
Plačilo s plačilno kartico se procesira preko podjetja Stripe.
8. Dostava
Cena dostave variira glede na državo iz katere naročite. Cene se gibljejo v razponu 3.90 - 5.90 EUR. Poštnina je brezplačna pri naročilih nad 45 EUR.
Ponudnik bo izdelke poslal na naveden naslov s Pošto Slovenije ali Packeta v roku 1-7 delovnih dni. Dostava variira glede na državo dostave.
Ponudnik ne odgovarja za morebitno prekoračitev roka dostave, če je zamuda posledica drugih nepredvidenih dogodkov, ne glede na to, ali gre za zunanje dogodke ali dogodke iz sfere ponudnika.
Omenjeni roki dostave so zgolj informativne narave in se lahko spreminjajo.
9. Vračila blaga in reklamacije
V primeru pritožb zaradi izdelka ali postopka nakupa, vas prosimo, da nam svojo pritožbo pošljete na elektronski naslov Vašo pritožbo bomo v najkrajšem možnem času obdelali in nanjo odgovorili.
Za odpoved naročila veljajo določila splošnih pogojev in veljavna zakonska določila o vračilu blaga.
10. Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe
Potrošnik ima pravico, da brez navedbe razlogov v 30 dneh odstopi od te pogodbe. Rok za odstop poteče v 30 dneh od dneva, ko potrošnik pridobi fizično posest na blagu ali jo pridobi namesto potrošnika tretja oseba, ki ni prevoznik in jo v ta namen določi potrošnik.
V primeru odstopa od pogodbe podjetje nemudoma oziroma najpozneje v 30 dneh po prejemu obvestila o odstopu od pogodbe vrne vsa prejeta plačila. Podjetje vrne prejeta plačila potrošniku z enakim plačilnim sredstvom, kot ga je uporabil potrošnik, razen če se je potrošnik izrecno strinjal z uporabo drugega plačilnega sredstva in če potrošnik zaradi tega ne nosi nobenih stroškov. Potrošnik ni upravičen do povračila dodatnih stroškov, ki so nastali, če se je izrecno odločil za drugo vrsto pošiljke, kakor je cenovno najugodnejša standardna pošiljka, ki jo ponuja podjetje. Pri prodajni pogodbi lahko podjetje zadrži vračilo prejetih plačil do prevzema vrnjenega blaga ali dokler potrošnik ne predloži dokazila, da je blago poslal nazaj.
Potrošnik mora blago vrniti v stanju, v katerem ga je prejel, najpozneje v 30 dneh od dneva, na katerega je potrošnik obvestil podjetje o odstopu od pogodbe. Stroške vračila blaga nosi potrošnik.
Potrošnik nima pravice do odstopa v kadar se gre za blago, ki je izdelano po natančnih navodilih potrošnika in prilagojeno njegovim osebnim potrebam. To velja za vse personalizirane izdelke, ki jih ponudnik ponuja na spletni strani.
Izdelki morajo biti vrnjeni nenošeni, v original pakiranju s pritrjeno nalepko na nakitu.
11. Garancija
Vsi naši izdelki imajo triletno garancijo od datuma dostave vašega naročila.
Garancija velja za kakršnekoli napake v naših materialih in/ali izdelavi.
Ta garancija ne vključuje zavarovanja proti fizični ali dnevni obrabi in/ali poškodbam.
Če želite izkoristiti našo garancijo, stopite v stik z nami preko Odgovorili vam bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.
Ponudnik mora napako odpraviti v razumnem roku, ki ni daljši od 30 dni, šteto od obvestila o napaki.
12. Reklamacije
Ob prejemu poškodovanega izdelka, izdelka z napako ali napačnega izdelka, mora uporabnik takoj oz. v najkrajšem možnem času izdelek reklamirati tako, da pisno obvesti ponudnika na elektronski naslov Ponudnik je dolžen spremljati in ažurno reševati vse zahtevke, ki jih posreduje uporabnik.
13. Odgovornost za neskladnost blaga
Ponudnik mora uporabniku izročiti blago v skladu s pogodbo in odgovarja za sladnost blaga. Blago je skladno kadar ustreza opisu, vrsti, količini in kakovosti ter ima funkcionalnost, združljivost, interoperabilnost in druge lastnosti, kot je določeno in opisano na spletni strani ponudnika.
Uporabnik lahko uveljavlja svoje pravice iz naslova neskladnosti blaga, če o napaki obvesti prodajalca v roku dveh mesecev od dneva, ko je neskladnost ugotovljena. Ponudnik mora neskladnost odpraviti v razumnem roku, ki ni daljši od 30 dni, šteto od obvestila o napaki. Če v tem roku ponudnik ne popravi oz. zamenja blaga, je uporabnik upravičen zahtevati znižanje kupnine ali odstop od pogodbe in vračilo denarja. Pomembno je, da uporabnik natančno opiše neskladnost blaga in omogoči ponudniku, da blago pregleda. Ponudnik ne odgovarja za neskladnost blaga, ki se pokaže po dveh letih od datuma nakupa. Če se napaka na blagu pokaže v enem letu od nakupa, je na uporabniku breme dokazovanja, da le ta ni obstajala v času nakupa.
V primeru neskladnosti blaga je potrošnik, ki je o neskladnosti blaga obvestil prodajalca, pod pogoji in v vrstnem redu iz tega odseka, upravičen da:
- zahteva od prodajalca brezplačno vzpostavitev skladnosti blaga;
- zahteva znižanje kupnine v sorazmerju z neskladnostjo ali odstopi od prodajne pogodbe in zahteva vračilo plačanega zneska.
Če obstoj neskladnosti blaga ni sporen, bomo čimprej, vendar najpozneje v roku 8 dni ugodili vaši zahtevi. Prav tako bomo na vašo zahtevo pisno odgovorili najpozneje v 8 dneh po prejemu zahteve, če je nesklanost blaga smiselna.
14. Izključitev odgovornosti
Ponudnik ne daje nobenega jamstva ali garancije, da so vsebine, objavljene na spletnem mestu, točne, popolne in pravilne in ne odgovarja za morebitno škodo, ki bi nastala uporabniku, ker se je zanesel na objavljene vsebine.
Ponudnik ne odgovarja za škodo, ki bi zaradi uporabe spletnega mesta utegnila nastati na uporabnikovi strojni, programski ali drugi opremi. Uporabnik je dolžan sam poskrbeti za primerno zaščito (protivirusno ipd.) opreme, s pomočjo katere dostopa do spletnega mesta.
Slike izdelkov so simbolične in informativne ter so lahko drugačne od dejansko dobavljivega blaga.
15. Izvensodno reševanje potrošniških sporov
Skladno z zakonskimi normativi, Mersolei, Tilen Piskule s.p., ne priznava nikakršnega izvajalca izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov kot pristojnega za reševanje potrošniškega spora, ki bi ga potrošnik lahko sprožil v skladu z Zakonom o izvensodnem reševanju potrošniških sporov.
Mersolei, Tilen Piskule s.p., ki kot ponudnik izdelkov na območju Republike Slovenije, na svoji spletni strani objavlja elektronsko povezavo na platformo za spletno reševanje potrošniških sporov (SRPS). Platforma je na voljo potrošnikom s klikom
Navedena ureditev izhaja iz Zakona o izvensodnem reševanju potrošniških sporov, Uredbe (EU) št. 524/2013 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o spletnem reševanju potrošniških sporov ter spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2016/2004 in Direktive 2009/22/ES.
Ponudnik in uporabnik kot udeleženca v elektronskem poslovanju medsebojno priznavata veljavnost elektronskih sporočil na sodišču. Za te Splošne pogoje poslovanja in za vse spore med ponudnikom in uporabnikom velja in se uporablja slovensko materialno in procesualno pravo, pri čemer se ne uporabljajo pravila mednarodnega zasebnega prava, ki bi odkazovala na uporabo kateregakoli drugega prava.
Za vsa razmerja ter za pravice in obveznosti, ki niso urejene s temi splošnimi pogoji poslovanja, se smiselno uporabljajo določila Obligacijskega zakonika, Zakona o elektronskem poslovanju na trgu, Zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov in Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov.
16. Varovanje podatkov (GDPR)
Osebni podatki naših strank so eno izmed področij, ki jim posvečamo vso pozornost in skrb. Podatkov naših strank ne posredujemo nikomur in so uporabljeni izključno za izvajanje naročil, obveščanje o stanju naročil, izdajo računov ter potrebe računovodstva. Delujemo v skladu z GDPR (Uredba o splošni uredbi o varstvu podatkov) smernicami in v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov. Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov (Uredba (EU) 2016/679, znana tudi kot GDPR) je uredba Evropske unije, s katero Evropski parlament, Evropski svet in Evropska komisija želijo okrepiti in poenotiti varstvo podatkov vseh oseb znotraj Evropske unije. Omogočamo vam izbris vaših podatkov iz naše baze, razen tistih podatkov, ki so zakonsko določeni in nujno potrebni za namene računovodstva in Finančne uprave Republike Slovenije.
17. Obdelava podatkov in piškotki
Ponudnik in lastnik spletne trgovine je v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-2) zavezan k varovanju osebnih podatkov svojih uporabnikov.
Več o naši politiki zasebnosti in uporabi piškotkov.
The general terms and conditions are effective from March 31, 2024, and remain in effect until further notice.
General Terms and Conditions
Visitors of the website (hereinafter users) agree to the terms and conditions stated below. The online store Mersolei (hereinafter provider) and its owner, Tilen Piskule s.p., reserve the right to change the stated terms without prior notice to the user. Any changes to the terms and conditions will always be accessible on our website, and users will not be individually notified about them. All changes to the general terms will be published only on our website and not through other communication channels.
If there is a change to certain terms, the change will be marked with the date of the change at the top of the General Terms, along with the designation of the article that has been changed. Regularly check the terms of business, as we strive to update them, with the date of the last change being appropriately updated. By continuing to use our services, it is considered that you are aware of the changes and agree to them.
The general terms and conditions of business in the online store are formulated in accordance with the following local laws:
- user Protection Act (ZVPot-1)
- Obligations Code (OZ)
- Electronic Commerce on the Market Act (ZEPT)
- Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-2)
1. Company Information
Mersolei, Tilen Piskule s.p.
Keršova ulica 3, Vojnik, 3212 Vojnik
Tax number: 38879387
Registration number: 9553371000
VAT: The company is not liable for VAT
2. Contact
3. The Trader Undertakes to Always Provide the User With:
- Provider's identity information,
- Contact details enabling fast and effective communication with the provider (email address, phone, etc.),
- Information about the essential characteristics of products or services from the online store's offer, including after-sales services and warranties,
- Information on the availability of products or services from the online store's offer,
- Method and conditions of delivery of products or execution of services, especially the place and time of delivery,
- Information about the accepted payment methods,
- Details on the validity period of offers from the online store,
- Information about the deadline for withdrawing from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal,
- Information about the possibility of returning products and whether and how much such return costs the user,
- Information about the user complaint procedure and the merchant's contact person for user contact.
4. Product Presentation and Data Accuracy
Product images in the online store or anywhere on the website are symbolic and do not guarantee their properties. We reserve the right to minor color deviations between products in the pictures and actual products. The provider also reserves the right to minor deviations between descriptions and actual product features. The provider is not bound by the description of the product or the published price of the product if the description or price is the result of an input error or if the incorrect description or price occurred without the provider's will.
5. Purchase Process
5.1 Ordering Process:
Products can be ordered through the online store by clicking on the product, entering the desired quantity and required information (for personalized products), selecting the payment method, and confirming the purchase.
5.2 Purchase:
Orders or purchases can be made in different languages, and the user chooses the language upon visiting the site and during the purchasing process. Ordering is possible through the online store 24 hours a day, every day of the year. After placing an order, the user will receive a confirmation email containing details of the selected products and their quantities. Accepted orders are considered irrevocable and will be executed. In case of a wish to cancel the order, the provider must be notified no later than 6 hours after placing the order by email at The provider will comply with the request if the package has not been finally processed and dispatched yet.
the provider reserves the right to cancel the order if the ordered products are out of stock or if there are technical or other errors in stock entry. The provider also reserves the right to partially or completely cancel the order in case of obvious errors in the price list or non-compliance with the general terms and conditions.
5.3 Personalized Products:
Personalized products are available on the website for certain products only. When ordering these products, it is necessary to add the appropriate data required to process the order. In case of incomplete or inadequate data, we reserve the right to terminate the order and refund the money. When purchasing personalized products, the user is not entitled to withdraw from the contract, as stipulated in Article 135 (2) of the user Protection Act (ZVPot-1).
Personalized product sales are final, there are no refunds or exchanges, minor variation may occur between live image preview on website and the actual product.
5.4 Purchase Agreement:
A purchase agreement is concluded at the moment when the user confirms the order and receives the confirmation email.
6. Product Prices
Product prices are expressed in EUR, which is the primary currency of the online store, and do not include VAT (we are not liable for VAT). All prices, including any discounts, are valid at the time of order placement. The provider reserves the right to change prices without prior notice.
Shipping costs are not included in the product price and are calculated at the checkout upon order completion, except in the case of various discounts that include free shipping.
7. Payment Methods
You will receive an invoice together with the package.
We offer cash on delivery, excluding personalized items, cash on delivery is available only to customers from Slovenia, Croatia and Italy.
The provider allows payment via PayPal account.
Payment by credit card is processed through Stripe.
8. Delivery
The delivery price varies depending on the country from which you order. Prices range from 3.90 to 5.90 EUR. Shipping is free for orders above 45 EUR.
The provider will send the items to the specified address via Pošta Slovenije or Packeta within 1-7 business days. Delivery times vary depending on the delivery country.
The provider is not responsible for any delivery delays caused by other unforeseen events, whether external events or events within the provider's sphere.
The mentioned delivery times are for informational purposes only and are subject to change.
9. Return of Goods and Complaints
In case of complaints regarding the product or the purchasing process, please send your complaint to us at the email address We will process and respond to your complaint as soon as possible.
The terms of the general terms and conditions and applicable legal provisions on the return of goods apply to order cancellations.
10. Right of Withdrawal from the Contract
The user has the right to withdraw from this contract within 30 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period expires 30 days from the day the user physically acquires possession of the goods or when a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the user acquires physical possession of the goods.
In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the company shall refund all payments received immediately and no later than 30 days after receipt of the notice of withdrawal from the contract. The company shall refund the received payments to the user using the same means of payment that the user used for the initial transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise by the user and provided that the user does not incur any costs as a result. The user is not entitled to reimbursement of additional costs if the user has expressly opted for a different type of delivery than the least expensive standard delivery offered by the company. In the case of a sales contract, the company may withhold the reimbursement of payments received until it receives the returned goods or until the user provides evidence that the goods have been sent back.
The user must return the goods no later than 30 days from the day the user notified the company of withdrawal from the contract. The user bears the cost of returning the goods.
The user does not have the right of withdrawal when it comes to goods made to the user's specifications or are personalized. This therefore applies to all personalized products offered by the provider on the website.
Products must be returned unworn, in the original packaging with original sticker attached to the jewelry.
11. Warranty
All our products come with a three-year warranty from the date of delivery of your order.
The warranty covers any defects in our materials and/or workmanship.
This warranty does not include coverage for physical or daily wear and tear and/or damage.
To avail our warranty, please contact us via We will respond to you as soon as possible.
The provider must rectify the defect within a reasonable period, not exceeding 30 days from the notification of the defect.
12. Complaints
Upon receipt of a damaged product, product with a defect, or incorrect product, the user must immediately or as soon as possible notify the provider in writing by email to The provider is obligated to monitor and promptly address all claims submitted by the user.
13. Liability for Non-conformity of Goods
The provider must deliver the goods to the user in accordance with the contract and is liable for the conformity of the goods. The goods are deemed to be in conformity if they meet the description, type, quantity, and quality, and possess the functionality, compatibility, interoperability, and other properties as specified and described on the provider's website.
The user may assert their rights arising from the non-conformity of goods if they notify the provider of the defect within two months from the date the non-conformity is discovered. The provider must remedy the non-conformity within a reasonable period, not exceeding 30 days from the notification of the defect. If the provider does not repair or replace the goods within this period, the user is entitled to request a reduction in the purchase price or withdrawal from the sales contract and a refund. It is important for the user to accurately describe the non-conformity of the goods and allow the provider to inspect the goods. The provider is not liable for non-conformity of goods that becomes apparent after two years from the date of purchase. If a defect in the goods appears within one year of purchase, the burden of proof that the defect did not exist at the time of purchase lies with the user.
In the event of non-conformity of goods, the user who has notified the provider of the non-conformity of the goods, under the conditions and in the order specified in this section, is entitled to:
- request free conformity of the goods from the provider;
- request a reduction in the purchase price in proportion to the non-conformity or withdraw from the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount paid.
If the existence of non-conformity of goods is not disputed, we will comply with your request as soon as possible, but no later than 8 days from the receipt of the request. We will also provide a written response to your request no later than 8 days after receiving the request, if the non-conformity of the goods is justified.
14. Disclaimer
The provider does not provide any warranty or guarantee that the content published on the website is accurate, complete, and correct, and is not responsible for any damage that may occur to the user due to reliance on the published content.
The provider is not liable for any damage that may occur to the user's hardware, software, or other equipment due to the use of the website. The user is responsible for ensuring adequate protection (e.g., antivirus) of the equipment used to access the website.
Product images are symbolic and informative and may slightly differ from the actual delivered goods.
15. Out-of-court Settlement of user Disputes
In accordance with legal regulations, Mersolei, Tilen Piskule s.p., does not recognize any out-of-court dispute resolution body as competent to resolve a user dispute that the user could initiate in accordance with the user Dispute Resolution Act.
As a provider of products in the Republic of Slovenia, Mersolei, Tilen Piskule s.p., publishes an electronic link on its website to the online platform for user dispute resolution (SRPS). The platform is available to users by clicking
This arrangement is based on the user Dispute Resolution Act, Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online dispute resolution for user disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.
The provider and the user, as participants in electronic business, mutually recognize the validity of electronic communications in court. Slovenian substantive and procedural law applies to these General Terms and Conditions and to all disputes between the provider and the user, without applying the rules of private international law that would refer to the application of any other law.
The provisions of the Obligations Code, the Electronic Commerce Market Act, the Personal Data Protection Act, and the user Protection Act apply analogously to all relationships and rights and obligations not regulated by these general terms and conditions.
16. Data Protection (GDPR)
Personal data of our customers is one of the areas to which we devote all attention and care. We do not disclose our customers' data to anyone and they are used exclusively for order processing, informing about order status, issuing invoices, and accounting needs. We operate in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) guidelines and in accordance with the user Protection Act. The General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), also known as GDPR, is a regulation of the European Union aimed at strengthening and harmonizing data protection for all individuals within the European Union. We allow you to delete your data from our database, except for those data that are legally required and necessary for accounting and the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
17. Data Processing and Cookies
The provider and owner of the online store are committed to protecting the personal data of its users in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-2).
Learn more about our privacy policy and cookie usage.